Project details




The project owner

Lucie Mayer-Aull

Project partner(s)


  • Dowa
  • Malawi

Goal summary

Teach young boys in prison in Malawi how to weave their own fishnets and provide a necessary life-skill allowing them to feed themselves but also make a living and get out of the poverty cycle.

Project summary

At Mybansi prison, the prisoners are expected to work the land and farm their own food as part of their punishment. Young In Prison has been actively implementing creativity programmes here since 2010. Now it is time to get a little more practical. The local waters are teeming with fish but the boys do not even have the basics of fish-nets or the knowledge of how to fish.


20 prisoners will be first invited to attend the course - which will consist of a local fishnet-maker travelling to the rural district of Dowa where the prison is located - he will stay with the prisoners for 4 weeks and teach them his craft. This project will firstly teach the boys how to properly weave the nylon fish-nets, a skill which they can then use after having been trained in how to fish the local waters responsibly and sustainably. This skill can then be used upon release in an entrepreneurial way and futures can be carved from the present bleakness. Not only will the boys have the opportunity to make their own living and provide for themselves and their families but they will also know how to feed themselves for life. This is a project for a brighter future. The children of today are the adults of tomorrow. Teach them well.


  • 40
  • The juvenile justice system in Malawi is deplorable - teenage boys can get sent to prison for years simply for stealing a chicken in their bid to survive. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with more than 50% of population living under p
  • Mixed

Why (Project owners drive)

My background lies in advocacy - I am a criminal defence barrister. As such, I have always believed that those with a strong voice should lend it to those who perhaps do not get heard for one reason or another. I am an excited new member to the Get It Done team and hope to draw from my practical professional experience but also my non-profit work with War Child and Young in Prison to really start making waves in the world of developmental aid and the content of the projects which we support.

Relation between the project partner (excecution) and the project owner (fundraising)

Non-Profit Organisation - Applicant is an Employer of Contact Person (Unpaid)




  1. Pilot phase

    • Purchase of materials: 625 euros Facilitator fees for 30 day training course: 480 euros Transport from Lilongwe to Dowa, and daily transport from village to Prison for facilitator: 535 Euros Meals/Accommodation for facilitator for 30 days: 460 euros 30 day trial phase will be carried out in prison with 20 boys. results will be evidenced by testimonials form boys, photos and report from facilitator
    • €2,100
    • 12
  2. monitoring phase

    • 8 weeks after completion of pilot phase, a second phase will be reinstituted with same costs. Facilitator will be able to check the progress and review the boys abilitiy. Further workshops will be given where the first lot of boys will then be trained how to train the new lot. Additional costs of 1500 euros also feasible for visitor report - to be considered by KLM for flight costs form Amsterdam to Malawi.
    • €2,100
    • 12
  3. Evaluation

    • If possible - then visit form NL to take place. Flights and transport 1500 euros
    • €1,500
    • 4