Project details




The project owner

Masha Willemse


  • Ticuantepe
  • Nicaragua

Goal summary

Launch the latent creativity and opportunity laying within these 6 young adults in Nicaragua by starting a production line of hand-crafted sustainable products which will be sold in Holland. Education, income and business knowledge in one step.

Project summary

There are a great number of disadvantaged young adults in Nicaragua and too few opportunities for a good salary and job. This project will teach them skills to help create income, contributing to a better quality of life.


Atelier Favela is an organisation which believes in reaching out to marginalised groups of society. The 6 young adults selected in Ticuantepe are such a group. They will be trained to create and produce attractive lamps from recycled material, they will receive a salary for doing so but also learn how to use their skills and create their own income. They will get a fair salary for every product made - 100% of the purchase price of the lamp in NL will be re-distributed to not on


  • 6
  • The young adults making the sustainable products(named the AbaNica) have been selected after a creative workshop was held in the community. They are adults struggling to create opportunities and incomes in their current surroundings. With this project,
  • Mixed

Why (Project owners drive)

Just Solutions is a group of 4. We volunteer our time and efforts to help the aims and goals of Atelier Favela in Nicaragua. Sabine is the founder of Atelier Favela. As an industrial designer, teacher in Visual and artist herselve she knows how to inspire the people around her. With a lot of passions she runs the studio, first in Brazil, right now in Nicaragua. The work with the children, to see them developing, makes her shine!

Relation between the project partner (excecution) and the project owner (fundraising)

Non-Profit Organisation - Applicant is an Employer of Contact Person (Unpaid)




  1. Setting up the workplace

    • the following things need to be bought: 3 tables, 10 chairs, a closet, lighting, an iron, scissors
    • €160
    • 1
  2. Buying the materials

    • the following materials need to be bought: ventilator parts, fittings, chains, paint, inkt and paper.
    • €340
    • 2