The Hague
The Hague
My name is Marion van de Voort. I have a small secretarial business for 12 years. I have traveled all over the world for years and seen a lot of poverty and always a smile! I builded up a small capital and I wanted to do something with this but I didn't know what. For more than two years ago I went on a short holiday to Mombasa, Kenya. And than it all happened and one thing lead to another, it all fell into place. I bought a piece of land, build a wall around it, dugged a waterhole, installed a waterpump, installed electricity and somewhere in the beginning/middle of all this I officially started my foundation My goal is to support the employment of the people in Kenya. Especially in this part because it is very poor and people live on tourism. If there is no tourism, there are no jobs. It is as simple as that. With my foundation I want to achieve and make sure the money gets into the right place. Pamoja Kenia only works with local people and especially with one family/community. Located in Kona Ya Musa and Shimba Hills West. Recently I have submitted a new sanitairy project with an organisation (I can't mention the name) in Shimba Hills in the jungle. The project contains the making of a shower/toilet/watertank/sceptic tank/Solar lights/wagon to carry the water from the river (2 km away) to the watertank. This project is for a community of approximately 40/50 people. For my own project in Kona Ya Musa I am starting a new small project to get the people self supported. The project still doesn't have a sceptic tank. And recently the supervisor of the plot bought, with my permission chickens for meat and eggs. Just to maintain his family and children. To keep the chickens and feed them and give them a proper life they require a small long house for these chickens. To keep the plot normally clean there has to be digged a whole for a sceptic tank and also a sceptic tank to be placed. This small project will cost €1250,-. Everything so far I have done with my foundation I paid by myself only the waterpump was paid through donations. to finish off my project I am now submitting this project with GetItDone because they have approached me by themselves and they think I am doing a good job so far. I am not the sort of person of person who asks other people to help but what you don't have you can't spend. And it became my passion.
My foundation